Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sweet Laver Roll (감태김밥)

Ingredients: pickled radish 220g, sweet laver(gamtae) 28g, cucumber 85g, salmon 350g, red paprika 110g, orange paprika 110g, steamed rice 350g,  sesame oil 1ts, salt 1/2ts, plastic wrap, cream cheese 200g

1. Slice cucumber and paprika into a stripe. 
2. Slice salmon. 
3. Put a sesame oil and salt in a steamed rice and mix them altogether. 
4. Place two layers of sweet laver on an even surface.
5. Put a quarter of seasoned steamed rice on sweet laver. Spread them evenly using a hand.
6. Place sliced cucumber paprika, salmon, pickled radish and cream cheese on 5. 
7. Roll everything up using a hand and gently press them. 
8. Wrap them using a plastic wrap. 
9. Slice them using a knife.
10. Remove a plastic wrap on a kimbap and place them on a dish

© 2021 by Stella's recipe. All rights are reserved.

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