Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sweet Laver Roll (감태김밥)

Ingredients: pickled radish 220g, sweet laver(gamtae) 28g, cucumber 85g, salmon 350g, red paprika 110g, orange paprika 110g, steamed rice 350g,  sesame oil 1ts, salt 1/2ts, plastic wrap, cream cheese 200g

1. Slice cucumber and paprika into a stripe. 
2. Slice salmon. 
3. Put a sesame oil and salt in a steamed rice and mix them altogether. 
4. Place two layers of sweet laver on an even surface.
5. Put a quarter of seasoned steamed rice on sweet laver. Spread them evenly using a hand.
6. Place sliced cucumber paprika, salmon, pickled radish and cream cheese on 5. 
7. Roll everything up using a hand and gently press them. 
8. Wrap them using a plastic wrap. 
9. Slice them using a knife.
10. Remove a plastic wrap on a kimbap and place them on a dish

© 2021 by Stella's recipe. All rights are reserved.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Young radish kimchi (열무김치 레시피) | yeolmu guksu (열무김치국수) | yeolmu kimchi ...

[Young radish kimchi (열무김치)]
ingredients: Young radish 1.7kg, water 6 and 1/2 cups, salt 2 cups, steamed potato 350g, winter cabbage 950g, onion 320g, asian pear 230g, red chilies 230g, green chilies 30g, scallion 120g, garlic 4s, ginger 1s, chili powder 3s, sugar 1s, fish sauce(kkanari) 4s

1. Trim down the root of young radish cut them into a three parts
2. Wash the sliced young radish with running water for three times
3. Dissolve 1 cup of salt in a 4 cups of water
4. Put a sliced young radish into salt water for 2 hours and flip them for every 1 hour
5. Trim down the root of winter cabbage and cut them into three parts
6. Wash the sliced winter cabbage with a running water for three times
7. Dissolve 1/2 cup of salt in a 2 cups of water
8. Put a sliced winter cabbage into a salt water for 2 hours and flip them for every 1 hour
9. After 2 hours wash winter cabbage and young radish with a running water for 1 time
10. Put half cup of water and 200g of red chilies into a food processor and grind them
11. Put a steamed potato, 160g of onion, asian pear, garlic, ginger, chili powder, sugar and fish sauce into a food processor and grind them. 
12. Put 11 into a large bowl with 160g of sliced onion, scallion, 30g of red chilies, 30g of green chilies and pickled young radish and winter cabbage.
13. Mix 12 altogether
14. Put 13 in a air tight container in a room temperature for a day and put them inside a fridge

[yeolmu guksu (열무김치국수)]
ingredients: red pepper paste 1.5s, sugar 2s, vinegar 1s, sesame oil 1/2ts, sesame 1/2ts, boiled egg 1/2, young radish kimchi, noodle 100g

1. Put red pepper paste, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil and sesame in a bowl and mix them altogether
2. Put a noodle, boiled egg and young radish kimchi in a bowl with a sauce 1.
3. Mix them altogether

[yeolmu kimchi bibimbap (열무김치비빔밥)]
ingredients: young radish kimchi, red pepper paste 1s, sesame oil 1ts, steamed barley, sunny side-up

Put a steamed barley, young radish kimchi, red pepper paste, sesame oil, sunny side-up in a bowl and mix them altogether 

© 2021 by Stella's recipe. All rights are reserved.